Metropolitan Board with the City of Milan on European policies

On April 4, 2017, the trans-directional Working group for the Cross-sector Coordination on European policies of the Metropolitan City of Milan was officially established. It is integrated in the General Directorate and is coordinated by the LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative) of the organisation. It is composed of officials dealing with European-oriented policies, projects and initiatives. Since March 2018, the working group also involves officials of the City of Milan dealing with sector-specific programs, European territorial cooperation (Area international relations – Mayor’s Cabinet) and European structural and investment funds (Intermediate body, urban authority for the PON Metro and POR FSE 2014/2020 – Area Planning and economic-financial management). In the coming months, it should be extended to some metropolitan municipalities by using EU funds (NOP Governance and ROP ESF). 

Such a Coordination body aims at:

  • giving orientations for implementing European-oriented initiatives consistent with the strategic priorities of the organisation;
  • assessing the proposals of activities related to European programming made by the organisation management or sectors;
  • sharing and coordinating the organisation sectors involved in European-oriented initiatives, in order to work overall with a synergetic approach and to avoid overlapping when applying or proposals inconsistent with the fundamental functions of the organisation;
  • supporting the organisation management and sectors in presenting European projects;
  • identifying an efficient external communication strategy and homogeneous relative to the submitted initiatives;
  • adequately informing and training local administrators and officials of the metropolitan area on the opportunities and critical aspects of the European programming;
  • networking the Milanese metropolitan area with other European large metropolises.




Ultimo aggiornamento: 26 September 2019
Data creazione: 05 April 2018

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