POR FSE – Lombardia Europa 2020

Planning, modelling and starting up the Europe Unit of Large Area (EULA) in the metropolitan context:

being competitive in Europe

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Por Fse

Period: 2018 – 2019
European programme of reference: ROP ESF – Axis IV Reinforcing the institutional capacity of public Authorities and of the groups interested in a more efficient public administration.


Planning and implementing an integrated path of research-training-planning on the topic of European policies and programmes also in order to determine an organisational-management proposal for the large area (EULA), in light of the new institutional structure defined by the law 56/14 “on the metropolitan cities, on the provinces, on the unions and mergers of municipalities”. The path intends to:

  • Enhance the roles allocated by the law 56/14 to the metropolitan areas in the field of European policies;
  • Combine an adequate and effective offer of European services on the territory;
  • Enhance the experience acquired by different people of the territory in the field of European funds;
  • Create the conditions for building an innovative and qualitative European planning;
  • Define the role of the metropolitan cities in managing European policies and planning.

Indeed, the path will pay special attention to the newborn metropolitan cities in the European context: from the 2014-2020 cohesion policy to the management of sectorial policies and thematic programmes of the EU, to the Urban Agenda and to the best existing experiences and practices.


By launching an overall reorganisation of the institutional structure, the law 56/14 (Law Delrio) imposes also a reorganisation of the European policies, competence managed mainly by the Italian Provinces and large cities over the last 15 years, through the so-called Europe Department. From this point of view, the law 56/14 gives the possibility to activate flexible forms of associated management of European policies between metropolitan areas and cities, and – at the same time – encourages the large cities to offer their own European services to the whole metropolitan territory, beyond the urban area. In other terms, the law supports new planning methods and new cooperative ways of managing European policies and funds on the territories, by metropolitan areas, Unions of municipalities and cities, introducing the innovative topic – but in line with the orientations from Brussels – of the urban and metropolitan government of European policies.

The LOMBARDIA EUROPA 2020 path intends to implement actions of information, planning and experimentation/implementation on policies and funds in order to activate Europe Services of Large Area (ESLA) in Lombardy. It will specifically focus on newborn metropolitan cities in the European cities, among which the Metropolitan City of Milan.

The LOMBARDIA EUROPA 2020 path – promoted by ANCI Lombardy, UPI Lombardy and the Metropolitan City of Milan – is inspired by a regional seminar as an opportunity of debate and sharing on the project. Following the regional seminar, an integrated path of research-training-planning should allow to experiment and launch territorial services focused on European policies, programmes and models of management, planned in light of the new institutional structure defined by the law 56/14.

The Partners are the National Association of Italian municipalities (ANCI) Lombardy, the Union of Provinces of Italia (UPI), the Metropolitan City of Milan, with the technical support of the association TECLA.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21 May 2018
Data creazione: 06 April 2018

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