From Santa Maria in Calvenzano to Mirasole

Form Melegnano to Riozzo, then a 6 km road south-west lead to Carpiano, a grange castle built by Carthusian fathers of Pavia in XIV Century.  In another 6 km you'll reach Locate di Triulzi, a fief of the Salazar family and then the Trivulzio Belgaum. To the west, here is (6 km) Pieve Emanuele, home to an info point of Parco Agricolo Sud Milano and a bike rental station. Shortly (2.5 km to the north) you'll arrive to Opera and the abbey of Mirasole. 
Continue west for 7 km in the direction of Rozzano, with the Castle of Cassino Scanasio (XV century), residence of the Visconti di Modrone; at Valle Ambrosia is the farmstead Park Point Follazza Oasis Smeraldino.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 30 November 2016
Data creazione: 30 November 2016

Ultimo aggiornamento: 22 November 2016
Data creazione: 22 November 2016

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